Jersey Launch 23/24

A commercial for Hummel’s new partnership with 1.FC Magdeburg and their new jerseys for the new season.


Elevating 1.FC Magdeburg's image through a dynamic commercial with Hummel.

1.FC Magdeburg faced the challenge of revitalizing its brand image and engaging its fan base with the launch of new jerseys for the upcoming season. The goal was to create a compelling and impactful commercial that not only showcased the partnership with Hummel but also conveyed the essence and excitement of the team's new identity.


Our team tackled this challenge by providing a comprehensive solution that included conception, content production in both video and pictures and postproduction. We worked closely with Hummel, 1.FC Magdeburg and 11plusmedia to understand their vision, values, and the message they wanted to convey. This collaborative approach allowed us to develop a creative concept that seamlessly integrated the key elements of the partnership and the new jersey launch.


Conception: Our team brainstormed and developed a concept that highlighted the unique aspects of the partnership and the jersey launch. This involved ideation sessions, storyboarding, and scriptwriting to ensure a cohesive and compelling narrative.

Content Production: We executed the concept by capturing dynamic video footage and striking images that showcased the jerseys in action. Our production team leveraged state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to bring the vision to life, ensuring high-quality visuals that would resonate with the target audience.

Postproduction: The postproduction phase involved meticulous editing, color grading, and sound design to enhance the overall impact of the commercial. We paid attention to every detail, ensuring that the final product met the highest standards and effectively communicated the excitement and energy of the partnership.


The collaboration between our team, Hummel, 1.FC Magdeburg and 11plusmedia resulted in a highly successful commercial that achieved the following outcomes:

Increased Brand Visibility: The commercial garnered significant attention on various digital platforms, increasing the visibility of both 1.FC Magdeburg and Hummel.

Positive Fan Response: The dynamic visuals and engaging storyline resonated well with the fan base, generating positive feedback and enthusiasm for the new jerseys and the partnership.

Strategic Partnership Showcase: The commercial effectively highlighted the key elements of the collaboration between 1.FC Magdeburg and Hummel, positioning the partnership as a significant milestone for both brands.

In conclusion, our end-to-end services played a crucial role in overcoming the challenges posed by the rebranding initiative, resulting in a visually stunning and impactful commercial that successfully met the goals set by 1.FC Magdeburg and Hummel.